7th Tradition Contributions
Sending contributions helps pay for expenses at every level. Each group can choose how to use their 7th tradition money. The District does not send money to the Area and the Area does not send money to the General Service Office(unless they are above their prudent reserve and choose to). It’s up to each group to send donations to each level.
Simple options for contributions might be to send donations in at $100 over the prudent reserve or send contributions quarterly.
Since District 12 does not have a central office or intergroup, the following is an easy way to split up contributions. This is the recommendation from the AA pamphlet “Where Money And Spirituality Mix”.
40% District
30% Area
30% GSO
If a group wants to contribute to the Pink Can fund which gets literature into jails and prisons, they may pass the basket a second time or change the percentages.
30% District
30% Area
30% GSO
10% Pink Can
District 12
P.O. Box 291
Bloomfield, IA 52537
(make checks payable to Alcoholics Anonymous District 12 and put your group number)
Area 24
P.O. Box 1291
Des Moines, IA 50305
(Make checks payable to Area 24 Assembly and put your group number and district number)
PayPal Donation Link (preferred)
General Service Office
P.O. Box 2407
James A Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407
(Make checks payable to General Service Board and put your group number and area number)
Donation Link (preferred)
Pink Can
P.O. Box 1045
Marion, IA 52302
(Make checks payable to Pink Can and put your group number)
The 7th tradition states: "Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." Keeping this in mind, please only donate if you are a member of AA.